July 9-11, 2021

 Cliffbreakers & Riverview INN 700 W. Riverside Blvd., Rockford, IL, 61103

Tattoos » Page 25 » Wheel of Dharma (Dharmachakra)

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Wheel of Dharma (Dharmachakra)

By Jeff Gogue - Jeff Gogue Art

14 years ago I tattooed this young lady. A butterfly and small tribal about the size of a mandarin orange on the top of her right foot. Later a low back piece, (tramp stamp as some would say). There’s a switch that can be triggered in some people, not all, and in regard to the whole planet, in very very few, but when that switch is triggered, it begins a transformation in the person. I have witnessed this a few times now, and am only beginning to understand enough to try and communicate it. The switch is a surrendering to a decision. It reminds me of the first time I went skydiving. The decision was easy, but the reality of its potential outcome? As the door to the plane was opened, and the rush of wind came in, going head first into a full minute free fall, the horizon steady as we dropped towards the ground at 180 miles per hour... The only thing you can do is surrender at that point. It’s useless to resist. In fact, it is dangerous to. It becomes a spiritual thing.





1.Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.


Getting your body tattooed as one whole is spiritual also. It's also about surrender. It has to do with your soul more than your physical body. It’s about your decisions, your emotions, how you feel inside during those trying times of how “it” feels on the outside. It’s about the sacrifices needed to be made, about the work one has to do to pay for the work. People who see large scale tattoos as just something a crazy person does, or just being obsessed or extreme, often don’t see what’s gone on inside that tattooed person. They don’t often see the transformation that’s gone on beneath the tattoo in the soul. 

Keyword Galleries: Blackwork Tattoos , Example Tattoos , Feminine Tattoos , Flower Tattoos , Nature Tattoos , Religious Tattoos , Traditional Asian Tattoos , Tribal Tattoos , Ying Yang Tattoos

Artist Weekend Pass

Rock River Tattoo Art ExpoThree days of becoming a better artists, tattooers, and people! The Rock River Tattoo Art Expo will combine aspects of artist-focused professional development events with the style of a larger tattoo convention, open to the public. The two convention floors will be filled with artist and vendor booths, with the artists showcasing not only tattooing but work in other mediums as well. Some booths will feature live painting alongside the tattoo booths. There will be additional vendor booths in some of the hallways and auxiliary spaces along with a museum exhibit showcasing some important tattoo artifacts including some of local significance. Throughout the weekend there will be activity on the main stage including interviews, talks by high-profile speakers, a historical discussion, tattoo art critiques, and a daily showcase of work that was completed on the convention floor.

Artist weekend passes including activities (with more details coming) from:

  • Kari Barba
  • Guy Aitchison
  • Shawn Barber
  • Hannah Aitchison
  • Nikko Hurtado
  • Jeff Gogue
  • Orge Kalodimas
  • Gabe Ripley

*Other seminars will be available for an additional fee

$250 $300 - Earlybird special - Save $50 and a limited edition T-Shirt!

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Collector passes available soon


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